Media releases
Charitable Woman Feels Privileged to Live Out Final Days in Hospice Renfrew
Sandy Gombik has raised thousands for charities and non-profits including Hospice Renfrew in her Renfrew thrift store By R. Bruce McIntyreLocal Journalism Initiative ReporterRenfrew – Although Renfrew businesswoman Sandy Gombik, owner of The Clothesline Thrift Store,...
Hike for Hospice Hits $95,000 and Counting
By Debbi Christinck, Local Journalism Initiative Reporter May 5, 2024 Renfrew — On Sunday afternoon over 350 people gathered to walk in memory of loved ones and in gratitude to what Hospice Renfrew provides as jointly they raised over $95,000 — and counting – to...
Owners of Star Set Jewellers make a significant donation to Hospice Renfrew
A well-known Ottawa Valley business that has been selling jewellery and accessories for nearly half a century has made a significant financial donation to Hospice Renfrew.
Last Thursday, the father and son team of David and Michael Frew, owners of Star-Set Jewellers, presented representatives from the hospice with a $25,000 donation recognizing the importance of the facility and the wonderful service it provides to individuals near the end of life and their families.
Golf Tournament
To all participants, volunteers and the many sponsors who helped to make the Annual Hospice Renfrew Classic a huge success, together we raised a total of over $23,000!! Thank-you for all your support. We would not be able to offer all of the wonderful programs and...
Renfrew – The final numbers have been tallied and this year’s annual Hike For Hospice has raised $110,000 which will go towards the operating budget at Hospice Renfrew. Held Sunday, May 1, it was announced after the hike that $102,000 had been raised in the first...
Hike for Hospice. It Takes A Team!
Renfrew – Three local businesses will be the main sponsors of this year’s Annual Hike for Hospice which takes place on Sunday, May 1. Akienhead’s Pharma Choice, Renfrew, and Canadian Tire, Pembroke, and Canadian Tire, Renfrew, are the major sponsors. “We are very...
December 2021 Newsletter
Board Newsletter Dec 2021
$53,000 Raised for Hospice Renfrew – Virtual Hike 2021
On left standing, Executive Director, Marjorie Joly. Pat Debenham (Volunteer) On right standing, Debroah Coelho, Volunteer Coordinator and Betty Coulas(Data Entry Clerk) Renfrew – For the second consecutive year, Hospice Renfrew’s annual Hike For Hospice was replaced...
June Callwood Circle of Outstanding Volunteer Award
Renfrew – Hospice Renfrew is pleased to share that Darlene Meleskie has been awarded the 2021 June Callwood Award. The June Callwood Award was established in 1994 by the Hospice Association of Ontario, joined in 2011 with Ontario Palliative Care Association to form...
Pembroke/Renfrew Canadian Tire Virtual Hike for Hospice 2021
Renfrew – Canadian Tire stores in Pembroke and Renfrew have teamed up to become the main sponsor for this year’s annual Hike for Hospice which takes place virtually on Sunday, May 2. “We are very thankful to Ray and Barb Pilon at Pembroke Canadian Tire and Bill and...
Outstanding Volunteer Award
Every year, Hospice Renfrew is asked to submit a nominee for the Ontario Outstanding Volunteer June Callwood Award . It is never easy to single out one volunteer. This year, Hospice Renfrew nominated Donna Carroll for 2020 June Callwood Award. She is a very active...
Photo: from left to right - Gerald Tracey, Board Chair. Cynthia Stafford, Clinical Service Coordinator. Marjorie Joly, Executive Director. John Yakabuski, MPP. Renfrew-Nipissing-Pembroke Hospice Renfrew has felt the harsh effects of COVID-19, like many charities and...
Please support the… Twins
Like other hospices across the province, we receive about 50 per cent funding from the province and the balance we raise through events like the hike, donations, bequests and many other events. We depend on the generous supporters from our friends in Renfrew County....
Virtual Hike for Hospice 2020
Since mid-March, COVID-19 has brought immense change to all our lives. We are living in a new era and while we try our best to cope with the pandemic, there remains much uncertainty. Fortunately, our County has fared well compared to the larger urban centers, in part...
Every little bit helps
When the pandemic started Jo-Anne Dowdall-Brown’s first thoughts were .... “oh no the hike, the trivia night, the garage sale and the golf tournament ..... How is Hospice Renfrew going to survive!! What can I do?” Her thought was that she could do her bit and have...
Renfrew Subway Family Donation
Navin Patel and the Renfrew Subway Family would like to thank the community who came out to support us over the years to make our fundraisers successful. With the community helping us we would like to give back to the community and we feel Hospice Renfrew will be...
Hike 2020 postponed
Hospice Renfrew Board of Directors has made the decision during these challenging times to postpone hike 2020 as advised by the current public health recommendations We continue to be open to support our community in palliation and healthcare across Renfrew County We...
The Eganville Horseshoe Club donation
The Eganville Horseshoe Club made a donation to Hospice Renfrew to assist in meeting its operational expenses for 2019. The Club’s President, Weldon Sell, presented Debroah Coelho, Hospice Renfrew Volunteer Coordinator, with a cheque for $1,000. The club members...
Trivia night donation
On October 23, 2019, Perri-Rae Boell & Associates Inc./The Co-operators Pembroke held a trivia night at Dineamics in Pembroke to support Hospice Renfrew. Jamie Cybulski was our MC and he did a wonderful job. Thanks also to my team who helped out and to the...
Pictured is Gerald Tracey, Hospice Renfrew Board Chair, receiving a donation from Susan Dupuis
The congregation members of Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church in Pembroke recognized that they are truly blessed. “Counting Our Blessings” was the result of this. Each time a congregation member made a donation to the Renfrew Hospice one of the blessings was placed on...
Annual golf tournament raises $31,000 for Hospice
The annual Hospice Classic continues to raise big dollars for Hospice Renfrew. The golf tournament held on Friday at the Renfrew Golf Course, despite the weather, was a tremendous success that raised quite a bit of money for the end of life care facility. That was...
Hospice Renfrew volunteer recognized by Hospice Palliative Care Ontario
Every year at this time, Hospice Renfrew is asked to submit a nominee for the Ontario Outstanding Volunteer June Callwood Award, handed out through Hospice Palliative Care Ontario. It is never easy to single out one volunteer. This year, Pat Debenham has been...
Why I hike for hospice
My mom was dynamic, honest and just easy to love. Her name was Lee McVeigh-Sharpe. She passed away on Feb. 12, 2017, just shy of her 80th birthday in Hospice Renfrew. But before that, my mom lived in hospice, welcoming visitors, having some laughs, sharing memories,...
Your donation could help Hospice Renfrew win $10,000
For the month of June (and June only) Hospice Renfrew has signed up to be eligible to participate in the The Great Canadian Giving Challenge. What is The Great Canadian Giving Challenge? It is a national public contest to benefit any registered Canadian charity. Every...
Hike Raises over $130 000 dollars for Hospice Renfrew
Gratitude is the emotion of the day. Gratitude from Hospice Renfrew and gratitude of the friends and families of loved ones who have stayed in the local home for end of life palliative care.
Registration begins for critical fundraiser Hike for Hospice
You can help keep the doors of Hospice Renfrew open by simply lacing up your shoes and going for a walk. Hike for Hospice is May 6th at the Ma-Te-Way Activity Centre. It’s their tenth year and Fund Development Officer for the Hospice, Shane Lambert says they want to...
Hike for hospice 2018
A national event raises awareness and funds for Hospice Palliative Care. 100% of funds remain in our community to support Hospice Renfrew. Separate 3km walk or 5km run trails. Family-friendly activities. Register as a individual, family or team or become a sponsor....
Did you know?
We were the first rural residential hospice in the Province of Ontario. We have six beds and offer private rooms and bathrooms in a bright, homey space. We provide specialized care through our highly-trained staff and volunteers and we care about your physical,...
Hospice Renfrew marks 10th anniversary on Jan. 28
For the last 10 years, Hospice Renfrew has been normalizing the process of dying. The agency offers much comfort to patients in their final days. A piece of strawberry and vanilla cake sits on the table beside Robbie Kraft’s bed and she places her hand on a...
A view from Bulger’s corner
Click here to view the story pdf.
Contact us
Tel: 613- 433- 3993 or 1-866-751-1685 Fax: 613 432 3618 Email info@hospicerenfrew.ca

Hospice Renfrew
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