David, left, and Michael Frew, proprietors of Star-Set Jewellers in Pembroke, donated $25,000 to Hospice Renfrew last week saying they believe the facility is a very important one to have in Renfrew County. On hand to accept the cheque were Kim Fraser, Office Administrator; Betty Coulas, Julie Keon, Grief and Bereavement Counsellor; Cindy Stafford, Clinical Service Coordinator; Debroah Coelho, Volunteer Coordinator, Marjory Joly, Executive Director.
By Gerald Tracey
News Editor
A well-known Ottawa Valley business that has been selling jewellery and accessories for nearly half a century has made a significant financial donation to Hospice Renfrew.
Last Thursday, the father and son team of David and Michael Frew, owners of Star-Set Jewellers, presented representatives from the hospice with a $25,000 donation recognizing the importance of the facility and the wonderful service it provides to individuals near the end of life and their families.
“I think we have all known people who have used the Hospice and it’s such an important part of our community to give people that
dignity at the end of life,” Michael Frew said. “We are glad to help something in the community and we want to keep doing it as the years go on.”
He said when he and his dad were considering different services and facilities to support, Hospice Renfrew was the first one to come to mind.
The senior Mr. Frew said Hospice Renfrew was the charity they wished to support this year. “And as Michael said, everyone in the Ottawa Valley from our point of view has benefitted so much from Hospice Renfrew, so we wanted to give to an organization that would benefit people from across Renfrew
County and the Ottawa Valley and it was Hospice Renfrew that came to mind.
“We appreciate the work everyone does there,” he added. “It’s not an easy job. I’m quite sure of that, and yet it is needful, and we are so fortunate to have it here in the Ottawa Valley. A facility that is so well
equipped, and so well run.”
The younger Mr. Frew noted any time Hospice Renfrew is mentioned in conversation, it seems everyone has a positive story about it. “It’s always a good experience,” he said.
The senior Mr. Frew added they also like the fact that no one is turned away and there is no cost for the service. “If someone goes there, they don’t have to put any money up and that appealed to us as well,” he said. “We know these organizations are not run without financial help and that was another reason for our
Hospice Renfrew Executive Director Marjorie Joly expressed her gratitude to the Frews. “We are so grateful for your support and honoured that you chose Hospice Renfrew,” she said.
Star-Set Jewellers was established in Eganville in 1981 and after more than two decades here the Frews sold the building to Northern Credit Union and moved into a new location on Pembroke Street East. They purchased the long-established Krieger’s Jewellery Store in Arnprior in 1988 and continue to operate it under the Star Set Jewellers name.
David Frew started out in the jewellery business in 1978 when he was a partner in a manufacturing firm located in Foymount. Son Michael joined the business in 2000.
Hospice Renfrew, like all hospice facilities in Ontario, receives partial funding from the province. The remainder of its operating costs is funded through donations, bequests, fundraising events and third-party fundraising events.
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