Funding Partners
Providing residential hospice care and support to individuals and their families is financially demanding. It takes many partners to make it all work and come together.
We gratefully acknowledge annual financial contributions by the Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care through the Champlain Local Health Integration Network (LHIN). These contributions partially fund our nursing salaries.
Additionally, each year Hospice must fundraise approximately 60% of its annual operational budget. That means about $600,000 must come from local donors, community groups and volunteers in our community.
In 2015-16 Hospice Renfrew was able to complete several special projects thanks to the generous support of our many community partners including:
- Local Lions Clubs in Arnprior, Calabogie, Denbeigh, Renfrew, Eganville and Griffith
- The OutCare Foundation
- Valley Heritage Radio 98.7 Holly Jolly Radiothon
- RCAF Association Wing 433
- Champlain LHIN
- New Horizons for Seniors Grant (Government of Canada)
With this splendid support we were able to upgrade resident room furnishings, paint the main level of our facility and add new security equipment to our Hospice.
Thank you all!
Contact us
Tel: 613- 433- 3993 or 1-866-751-1685 Fax: 613 432 3618 Email info@hospicerenfrew.ca

Hospice Renfrew
Website by Hoople Web Design Ltd