Leaving a Legacy With Hospice Renfrew
Legacy giving, also known as planned giving, is a meaningful way to support Hospice Renfrew by including a charitable donation in your will or through other financial arrangements.
We encourage you to consult a lawyer or estate planner to ensure your wishes are properly documented.
Hospice Renfrew is a registered charity with the Canada Revenue Agency. Our charitable registration number is 86405 8839 RR001.
If you have chosen to leave a legacy gift to Hospice Renfrew, we would love to hear from you. To learn more fill out the form below.
Your Legacy, Your Values, Your Will
Planning your legacy is a major step in ensuring your values live on and that your loved ones and the causes you care about, like Hospice Renfrew, are supported.
Here Are Four Steps To Help Get You Get Started
Step 1: Review Your Assets
Take stock of your assets, including your home, valuables, investments, and other belongings.
Step 2: Consider Your Loved Ones
Think about the legacy you want to leave for your family, including children, grandchildren, nieces, nephews, and others close to you.
Step 3: Reflect on Your Values
Consider what is most important to you. If Hospice Renfrew holds a special place in your heart, we invite you to connect with us to discuss how your gift can make a lasting impact.
Contact us
Tel: 613- 433- 3993 or 1-866-751-1685 Fax: 613 432 3618 Email info@hospicerenfrew.ca

Hospice Renfrew
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