Caregiver Wellness Gatherings
Wednesday February 19th – 5:00 – 7:00 pm.
Caregiver Wellness Gatherings
***Please note starting in February, Nurturing The Caregiver Workshop’s name has been changed to Caregiver Wellness Gatherings.
What are Caregiver Wellness Gatherings? They are specifically created for you to take some time and care of yourself with help from Hospice Renfrew. These gatherings are a special time set aside once a month for unpaid caregivers to relax, socialize, enjoy some laughs, snacks, to let you know you are not alone and to be pampered by taking part in a wellness session. The sessions are free for unpaid caregivers that live within Renfrew County.
Spaces are limited. Pre-registration is required, to help us plan. Register by contacting Debroah Coelho at: 613-433-3993 X 2236 or via email: dcoelho@hospicerenfrew.ca
Contact us
Tel: 613- 433- 3993 or 1-866-751-1685 Fax: 613 432 3618 Email info@hospicerenfrew.ca

Hospice Renfrew
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