Apply to Join Our Team of Volunteers
We can’t do it without YOU!
Our volunteers are an essential part of Hospice. We can only offer our many services at no cost to our community through the help of generous people like you! Become involved. Be a key part in our specialized team.
Join our volunteers by completing application form and submitting to hospice either by email, direct mail or go directly to hospice and speak to the Volunteer Coordinator
Palliative Care Training for Volunteers Learn more
Family and Resident Support Team: Members of this team provide support and assistance to residents, their families and friends. Team members are required to complete the Food Handler Training Course. They may also help with light housekeeping. They receive a comprehensive training program along with practical experience. Click here for the Job description – Resident and Family Support Volunteer
Kitchen/Catering Team: Share your talents in the kitchen by baking cookies or making soup for our residents and families. Our family style kitchen offers opportunities to work as part of the team. Assistance in catering events allows us to host meetings and education sessions. Team members are required to complete the Food Handler Training course that we offer in house. Click here for the Job Description – Kitchen Volunteer
Gardening and Decorating Team: These hard-working volunteers have made our gardens a refuge for residents, staff, and visitors (as well as a few deer from time to time!). This team also creates seasonal decorations inside and out. Click here for the Job Description – Garden Volunteer
Reception Team: Our volunteers greet guests at the door, manage our mail, and perform many other day-to-day tasks needed by the hospice They receive a comprehensive training program along with practical experience. Click here for the Job Description – Reception Volunteer
Grief and Bereavement Team: This team helps with follow-up calls and support-group like setting meetings. They also assist in our Celebration of Life. Training is provided through online HPCO (Hospice Palliative Care Ontario). There are a few different teams when volunteering for the Grief and Bereavement Team, here is a list of the various opportunities, click on them to see which one is right for you. Hosting Nurturing the Caregiver, Bereavement Support Meetings, Bereavement Follow up Calls.
Fundraising and Special Events Team: These volunteers help with fundraising and events so Hospice stays open to all at no cost. Without these people Hospice would not have the community support essential to achieving its mission. Click here for the Job Description – Special Events Volunteer
Maintenance: Are you considered to be handy around the house or have you experience as a tradesperson? If so, we are looking for occasional assistance with small repairs and performing maintenance tasks such as changing furnace filters, painting, lighting, woodwork etc. Volunteers will also help assess and report facility conditions that may require the expertise of professional contractors.
Volunteers for Short Term Projects: Do you have a special skill you can donate to Hospice? Please contact us to explore the possibilities.
“When I leave Hospice after my shift I always feel I received more than I gave”
Contact us
Tel: 613- 433- 3993 or 1-866-751-1685 Fax: 613 432 3618 Email info@hospicerenfrew.ca

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